To receive financial aid, you must apply for it. Applying for admission to a college or university is not enough. Timing is also important in obtaining financial assistance. You need to stay within the financial aid application deadlines for the various awards.
To determine how much a student and his or her family will be expected to contribute to the student’s education, students and their families must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The difference between the total price of attendance and the family contribution is your financial need.
In addition to submitting the FAFSA form, certain colleges also require students to complete the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE to be considered for certain types of financial aid. To determine if your college requires the form or to complete the form online, please visit The College Board.
Your financial aid package may consist of federal, state, or institutional grant or scholarship assistance, and be supplemented with loan and work funds. The total amount of aid received depends on the amount your family can reasonably be expected to contribute, the availability of funds, as well as state and school policies.
Your school will automatically determine your eligibility for a Minnesota State Grant if you applied for financial aid using the FAFSA. However, you also may need to apply for school-specific aid through the campus financial aid office. Keep in mind that each school may have its own financial aid deadline as well.
Knowing the field of study that interests you also can help you identify scholarships, internships, and other financial assistance specific to that field.
Completing the FAFSA Flow Chart (.pdf) |