Paying for college can be difficult, but there are people and resources to help you. Be sure to download or request a free copy of our guide to major federal and Minnesota financial aid programs.
IMPORTANT: Read this if your family’s income has been reduced
Financial Aid Basics
How to Apply
Are You Eligible?
Grants & Scholarships
Minnesota State Grant
Minnesota Achieve Scholarship
Minnesota Child Care Grant
Scholarships Offered by Minnesota Institutions
Minnesota Indian Scholarship
Minnesota GI Bill
Federal Pell Grant
Federal TEACH Grant
Federal John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program
Other Aid Options
Work Study
Reduced Out-of-State Tuition
Community Service Benefits
Saving for College
Minnesota College Savings Plan
Descriptions of Education Saving Options
Does Saving for College Affect Financial Aid?
Education Tax Benefits
American Opportunity Tax Credit
Lifetime Learning Tax Credit
Tuition & Fees Deduction
Student Loan Interest Deduction
Student Loans
Federal Perkins Loan
Federal Stafford Loan
Federal PLUS Loan
Minnesota SELF Loan
Remember: Higher education is an investment in your future…one that increases and strengthens over time, and opens up a world of possibilities.